Those of you who watch gay films or read gay magazines have CERTAINLY noticed glaring omissions. Major gay media almost NEVER feature Black couples. Why?!
Research it. Pay close attention as your peruse major gay media. You will almost NEVER see two Blacks loving each other.
Read any glossy gay magazine, like The Advocate or Curve. Notice how few Black couples you see within its pages? Those few black faces which are there are almost always grinning longingly into the faces of their white lovers/friends.
Visit any video store. See “The Incredibly True Adventures Of Two Girls In Love”, “The Watermelon Woman”, “When Night is Falling” etc... All of these films are renown love stories about Black lesbians chasing white women.
Even in the pages of Essence magazine, Black lesbian voices are rare. Black gay men are far more prominent and safe therein. Even Linda Villarosa, the resident lesbian editor at Essence, has featured her own exclusive penchant for caucasian flesh.
Diversity is the key to realism. There ARE MILLIONS of African homosexuals who love each other. EXCLUSIVELY. Why are we so nonexistent in print and on screen? Why must we all be depicted as O. J. Simpsons?
Racist pseudo-African gaybashers enjoy this white supremacist propoganda IMMENSELY. It is useful to them as they slander all African homosexuals as “eurocentric freaks and perverts infected with a white man’s disease”...True African scholars do not blame the white man for biology or that which is documented before his invasion of our motherland. And, they do not fictionalize Africa as a selective and macho utopia.
These demented homophobes are as wise about their opportunism as they are arrogant about their ignorance. Homosexuality is ancient and universal, in EVERY LIVING SPECIES. God creates homosexual plants, insects, animals, and humans. Africans were the first humans. Thus, we were the first homosexuals.
Incidentally, I do not blame these kufi-clad Nazis in blackface for their hostile reactions to these blatantly eurocentric images. I blame the demonic and moronic messengers. Those racist white editors and directors who dare to sacrifice our images with their deliberately limited and loathsome depictions. Those who can only accept us when we do not come in twos. (Pun intended.)
I am FURIOUS about NEVER seeing afrocentric homosexuals like me, my soulmate, and our friends in the “gay” media! I long for gay images that reflect my African reality. Such superior messages can only come from superior messengers. On that note, skip the “gay” media’s fare. Instead, see “Set It Off”, “The Women Of Brewster Place”, “The Color Purple” and “Get On The Bus”. All of these films feature superior African homosexuals.
Do not believe the hype!!! I am no less African
because I am a lesbian. I am no less revolutionary because I am not an
incubator, a maid, or a babysitter. I am no less afrocentric because my reality
is absent from gay media.
See more afrocenrtic homosexuals in these films:
Read more about afrocentric homosexuals in these books:
[this is good] Today I read on this theme much.
Posted by: Aloysius Barber | 06/14/2010 at 07:07 AM